So it's been a while since I last updated the page, but on top of a full time job and extended services I provide plus family and social life it's been really hard to speak out.
Any way the week following I shall be going to see the new SAW3D film and also pre ordering my tickects for the Harry Potter: Deathly hallows part 1 film. So can't believe Harry will hault graceing our silver screens in summer 2011.... I have had some fond memories watching the series.
Halloweenis also coming up a week today. I thought i go with the movie theme (a no brainer) a go as The Joker that Heath Ledger portrayed in the Dark Knight. I only hope my skills at mastering, nose putty and face pains pay off on the night I shall attend the Horror feast I shall be attending. Looking at this picture on the right, i'm not bloody sure i can now, but I'll give it my best go, (I fucking didn't spend a meals worth of money for nothing on spirit gum and the rest.)
Let me speak a little about Paranormal 2 quickly. It's the same fucking film with children, a dog a live in maid, larger home and the same Ghost haunting the couple and family. Okay so yeah those are the massive differences, but come on now. In order for something like this film to be scarey at least mix it up a tad bit more. Same camera work as previously done and well I stand not properly impressed more depressed, becuase I got caught laughing in hysterics in the corner sniggering to myself like some weirdo.
On that note I'm gonna love ya'll Homosapiens for now and I'll let you know when I'm about surely.